Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fathers should watch the words they use on their children

Over 90% of prison inmates were told by their parents while growing up ‘they’re going to end in jail.- Evangelist Bill Glass

I watched on Dstv a talent show recently; in the talent show, there were three judges, two were male and one a female. What ensued when a young girl came to perform was what led to the writing of this article; one of the male judges was very frank but that led to a clash between him and the other female judge who felt he was to harsh in his judgment.

He spoke to her like one of the grown ups that came to perform; that was not the best approach for a child and that made the female judge cry out foul. He eventually approached the lady later in a manner that was okay; but that got me thinking. Even as a grown up I find that when people throw wrong words at me, it takes days to shake it off. Believe me, people have really said things in demeaning manner, and some of them are people that I expect should be discrete with how they put things because of the position they hold and the level of maturity they have attained.

Every father, if they ruminate on the past will tell you one or two demeaning statements that people had said to them that still hurt till date. I feel that if you have gone through, you should be careful then how you use words on your children, because they will shape their lives just as words had shaped theirs. I believe that smacking children don’t lead to low self esteem as many psychologist have concluded; I believe that what leads to low self esteem are words that are continually on children.

Children are people that care should be taken to use words on, especially by their parents. Show me children that succeed with a life that appears that they are lucky; I will show you children that their fathers were careful on the words they used on them. I observe this watching people who curse their children at will and use all manner of demeaning names on them, and compared them to children that their parents are careful with words; my discovery is that despite the fact that children that parents use wrongs words on seems to be full of life and more intelligent, yet they seems not to keep finding live difficult.

Here is a story that best buttress this…

John grew up in a home that his parents curse their children with impunity and use words that are demeaning on them; he can’t seems to remember a day go by with him or any of his siblings get one or two demeaning words used on them by their parents. They also fight a lot with one another with the loser taking his/her pounding on them.

For a long time, he found it difficult to mix up with his pears in school; neither did he allow anyone to coming visiting him at home. His performing in school was a little above average, despite the fact inside he felt he could do better. The needed miracle came when he got into university and consciously took serious his faith in God; that was what made him to see life in a better perspective than what he knew from that of his parents. He was very careful on the choice of a partner he picked as wife; one criteria he watched out for was a woman that irrespective of the emotional turmoil she is going through can order her words right.

Today, he is married with two children; he is also conscious of the way he relates with them knowing that just as words almost destroyed him, it will also have the same effect on them.

A Nigerian says, ‘Eyin lo ro, ti oro ba jab o, ko se ko.’ It literally means, words are like egg, once it is expressed like the egg that was dropped accidentally it can’t be gathered again. When using words on them; we should careful consider their feelings; the truth is that most of us fathers don’t really know how much human our children are. We really have not come to the terms that every of our actions affect their outlook on life and themselves. We talk to them as if they are a thing; yet they are grown ups in the body of a child and with a mind that is coming to terms with their world.

You have likely read the rhyme, humpty dumpty said on the wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall, all the kings men and all the kings horses could not put humpty dumpty together again. That rhyme clearly shows what happens when you use wrong words on your children; like humpty dumpty, there are parts of that child’s life that will not be put together again, except a miracle happens just as it took a miracle of his faith in God for John to develop a healthy self esteem and to view life from a different perspective. Why allow your children to go through unnecessary stress in life, when you can pay the price of simply ordering your words right.

Olufemi Fasanya
08037257479, 08083906405

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